Best Practices for API Design

Explore the design considerations and implementation best practices to create a well-designed API your users will enjoy working with.

Design considerations

REST APIs are an essential part of modern web and mobile applications. As such, there are several key considerations to take into account when designing them:

One of the most important of these considerations is consistency. A consistent REST API ensures that all endpoints, data structures, and error messages follow the same conventions and standards. This makes the API easier to use, as developers can rely on familiar patterns when working with it. Additionally, a consistent API is less likely to contain errors and inconsistencies, which can cause confusion and difficulty for developers.

Another important consideration is affordances. Affordances refer to the way that an API allows developers to interact with it. A well-designed API will provide clear affordances that make it easy for developers to understand how to use the API and take advantage of its features.

Simplicity is also critical for good API design. A simple API is easier to use and understand, which makes it more accessible to developers. Additionally, a simple API is less likely to contain errors or inconsistencies, which can cause problems for developers.

Completeness is another important factor to consider when designing a REST API. A complete API provides all of the endpoints, data structures, and other features that developers need to build their applications. This ensures that developers have everything they need to work with the API, without having to search for additional resources or documentation.

Performance is another key consideration for REST API design. A high-performance API can handle large amounts of data and requests quickly and efficiently, which is essential for applications that need to process large amounts of data in real time. Additionally, a high-performance API is less likely to experience downtime or other performance issues, which can cause problems for developers and end users.

Stability is also an important factor for REST API design. A stable API is one that is unlikely to change or break, which can cause problems for developers who are using the API in their applications. A stable API is less likely to experience changes or updates that could break existing applications, which can save developers time and effort.

Finally, documentation is a crucial part of any REST API. A well-documented API provides developers with all of the information they need to use the API effectively, including details on endpoints, data structures, and error messages. This helps developers understand how to use the API and avoid common pitfalls, which can save time and frustration.

Best practices

When implementing REST APIs, there are several best practices that can help ensure that your API is easy to use and effective. One of the most important of these practices is to use a consistent payload for both requests and responses. All requests and responses for some kind of a resource should have the same structure, regardless of the operation.

Data format

Using the JSON format for requests and responses is a common and effective choice, as JSON is widely supported and easy to work with. By using the same payload format for both requests and responses, you can ensure that developers have a consistent experience when working with your API.

Here is an example POST request and response to a REST API service, using JSON:

POST /users HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "username": "johndoe",
    "email": "",
    "password": "my-secret-password"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

{ "id": 1, "username": "johndoe", "email": "" }

In this example, the POST request is sent to the /users endpoint of the API, with a JSON payload containing the username, email, and password for a new user. The API responds with a JSON payload containing the user's ID and username. The data format for both request and response is the same, except the response has additional data (user ID) and omits sensitive data (password).

Endpoint names (URLs)

Another important best practice is to use consistent endpoint names. This means using clear, descriptive names for your endpoints that follow a logical naming convention. Consistent endpoint names make it easier for developers to understand how to use your API, and can help prevent confusion or errors.

Here is an example GET request and response to retrieve the details of the user that was just created on the REST API service:

GET /users/1 HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{ "id": 1, "username": "johndoe", "email": "" }

In this example, the GET request is sent to the /users/1 endpoint of the API, which retrieves the details of the user with the ID of 1. The endpoint name (URL path) is consistent, as is the data format.

Status codes

Returning the proper HTTP status codes is also critical for effective REST API implementation. HTTP status codes provide information about the success or failure of an API request, and can help developers understand what went wrong if an error occurs. By returning the appropriate status code for each request, you can provide useful information to developers and help them diagnose and fix any issues that may arise.

In the previous examples, 201 Created status was returned when creating a user, and a 200 OK status when retrieving the existing user data. If the client requests information for a non-existent user, the API should also respond with a proper error code (in this case 404 Not Found) and (optionally) with a message describing the error in more detail:

GET /users/1000 HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

{ "error": "User with ID 1000 not found" }

Nesting resources

Nesting endpoints for hierarchical resources is another best practice that can help improve the usability of your API. By nesting endpoints, you can create a logical structure that reflects the hierarchical nature of your data, making it easier for developers to understand and work with your API.

GET /users/1/books HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

    { "id": 1, "title": "The Great Gatsby", "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald" },
    { "id": 2, "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird", "author": "Harper Lee" },
    { "id": 3, "title": "Pride and Prejudice", "author": "Jane Austen" }

In this example, the GET request is sent to the /users/1/books endpoint of the API, which retrieves a list of all books owned by the user with the ID of 1. The API responds with a JSON array containing the details of each book, including the ID, title, and author, along with a 200 OK status code to indicate that the request was successful. This hierarchical endpoint naming convention makes it easy for developers to understand the relationship between users and books, and to access the appropriate data.

Filtering, sorting, and pagination

Filtering, sorting, and pagination are also important considerations when working with collections of resources. By providing these features, you can help developers manage large datasets and work with your API more efficiently. Filtering allows developers to search for specific items within a collection, sorting allows them to order items in a particular way, and pagination allows them to divide a large collection into smaller, manageable chunks.

Here's an example request that's using filtering, sorting, and pagination:

GET /users/1/books?sort=title&order=asc&page=1&per_page=20 HTTP/1.1

The sort parameter specifies that the books should be sorted by title, in ascending order (asc). The page and per_page parameters are used for pagination, and specify that the first page of 20 books should be returned.

The response from the API would include the details of the books that match the specified criteria, along with metadata about the pagination, such as the total number of pages and the number of items per page. This allows developers to easily manage and work with large collections of data, and to retrieve only the data that they need.


Finally, it is important to consider versioning your API. As your API evolves over time, new features and changes may be introduced that could break existing applications. By versioning your API, you can ensure that developers can continue to use older versions of the API without encountering compatibility issues. This can save developers time and effort, and can help ensure that your API remains stable and reliable over time.

There are several different approaches to API versioning, including using a URL path prefix and specifying the version in a header.

Using a URL path prefix is a common approach to versioning APIs. This involves adding a version number to the beginning of the URL path for each endpoint, such as /v1/users or /v2/users. This allows developers to easily specify which version of the API they want to use, and ensures that their requests are routed to the correct version of the API.

Specifying the version in a header is another common approach to versioning APIs. This involves adding a header to each request that specifies the version of the API that the request is intended for. For example, the Stripe API uses a header called Stripe-Version to specify the version of the API that a request is intended for. This allows developers to specify the version of the API that they want to use, and ensures that their requests are routed to the correct version of the API.