Batteries included

API Bakery makes it quick and easy to create a full-featured project out of the box. Aside from the basic project structure scaffolding, you also get ...

Database Designer

Design your data models, define fields and relationships, and customize how they're used in your project.

Quickly define models and fields

Add models, select field types, add validations and other field and model properties quickly through a simple and clean UI.

Model relations

Need a Foreign Key or Many-to-Many relationship? Simply select the one you need and a model to point to. Done! We make sure the relationship is properly defined, no matter which database you use.


Field validators, default values, unique constraints and other common options are just a click away.


Create, Read, Update and Delete API operations are automatically created for all the database models you define and want to expose in the API.

Automatic CRUD

API Bakery generates API for the standard CRUD operations on your models. The code is clean, readable and can easily be extended with your custom logic and operations.

OpenAPI (Swagger) support

An OpenAPI definition is automatically created for your API. The Swagger UI makes it easy to explore, test, and use the API during development and debugging.


Simple authentication and access control for your API endpoints.

User authentication

Local username/password authentication, without depending on 3rd party services or complex token schemes.

Access control

Define data ownership and define user-based access control to the data.

... and more!

Cloud storage

Easily store static assets and user's uploaded files in cloud storage like Amazon S3.

Email services

Integration with most popular email sender services, such as Amazon SES, Sendgird, Mailjet, and more.

Automated tests

Generated project comes with a testing framework already set up and a full test suite for the built-in functionality.