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Updates galore

September 26th, 2024

In this article:

We recently made a big upgrade in package dependencies, both for the projects you create using API Bakery, and in the API Bakery core itself.

Newly created Django projects now use Django 5.1, require Python 3.10, and are set up to use ruff for formatting and linting instead of black, flake8 and isort.

New Express projects now use Express 4.21 and Prisma 3.15.

Both platforms now also use the newest release versions of all the other dependencies.

API Bakery core itself is updated as well, although this is invisible to users. The most significant update switching from "pip" to "uv", "isort/black" to "ruff" for Django, and from "npm" to "pnpm" for Express. These changes simplify and speed up our build process, taking advantage of the new, better and faster tooling both for Python and Node ecosystems that has sprung up in the recent months.